

The Hotel Barclay

spaceThis viewer was invited to view this web-series, "The Hotel Barclay" to give an honest review, based on my review of "The Woman in Black" and because it supposedly incorporates the horror and thriller genres, likening itself to psychological horror. The filming itself starts off over-using "jumpy/jittery" techniques which often will heighten the suspense and creepiness factor, unless it is over-used. Then it becomes predictible and irritating. However, the filming does improve with each subsequent episode. The pallette found in each episode is used fairly well, with coloring adding to either suspense or hopeful, whichever emotion the director is trying to draw upon. Sound is decent, dialogue heard very well over surrounding musical pieces in the first season, although some of the sound effects do come across with a bit of a "cheesey" factor; however, in season two the music is louder making it difficult to hear what the actors are saying throughout the episodes. The setting location and hotel room decor bring to mind a slightly older Victorian house versus a hotel, in this viewer's opinion.
spaceDialogue and acting... it would seem that instead of using body language or facial expressions to show viewers the level of fear, anguish, tension, disbelief, or whatever emotion is meant to be shown, the writers simply have the actors repeatedly say "f***" to imply the emotions. This viewer is not a prude, but saying f*** to show emotions is not always useful. Dialogue should move a plot forward, especially in shorter episodes such as those found in this web-series. Instead, the over-use of cursing rather than the use of body language or facial expressions, cheapens the word so that it no longer has its shock intent and truly limits the actor from showing their capabilities. The actors, for the most part, seemed decent and more than capable of expressing their talents. While one hopes all dialogue is tight in what they view or read, in shorter pieces such as novellas and short stories and films lasting thirty minutes or less it is imperative all dialogue is tight and necessary to move the plot forward. Unfortunately, that was not the case for this series.
spaceSeveral episodes in both seasons seemed to focus on gay-bashing in this viewers opinion and came across as crude and vulgar instead of suspenseful, titillating, or thought-provoking. Religious zealots torture, beat and kill homosexual's in those episodes and this viewer found those episodes particularly distasteful. This viewer found those episodes to be perpetuating the agenda that genderism is a choice and not what one is born with, and therefore can be beaten or preached out of an individual, which is a highly volatile subject as it is. This viewer cannot recommend this web-series but will also state there are likely some viewers that may enjoy it as is. This viewer has already removed both seasons from their 'Watch List' and will not view a third season if created. ** Originally posted on Amazon on September 19, 2016. **


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