

Slip of Fate: An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance (Werelock Evolution Book 1)

space"Slip of Fate: An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance (Werelock Evolution Book 1)" by Hettie Ivers is the first book this reader has read, written by said author... I just finished and logged right in to Amazon to purchase the second book! What an absolutely titillating and delicious read with its sarcastic humor, silliness of eighteen-year-old protagonist Melina, and absolutely scrumptious shifter brothers, Remy, Alex and Alcaeus - not to mention lovely sister, Alessandra. Ivers turns on a dime with her characters and it is a stunning display of craftsmanship. Remy, as the first brother readers are introduced to, seems like a total sweetheart after he lays eyes on poor Melina, while badass Alcaeus seemed like a total horndog not to be trusted, and little brother but strong-as-all-get-out Alpha Alex seemed like the total package of narcisstic, dominant, arogant beauty that a female wants to smack right before bedding him. Huh. Is it getting hot in here? Alessandra, although only in the story for a few scenes, seemed to be the only one to present herself as she really is - confidant, strong, self-assured, yet caring enough to listen to one these shifter's consider beneath them... a human. But wait, like layers from an onion slowly being peeled back, readers are able to see the brothers are not exactly as simple as they were first presented - just like a real person, which makes reading about them so darn delicious because they are believable.
spaceThis reader cannot recall reading any other shifter story similar to this and that originality snared her. Ivers fun, warm and inviting writing style tightened that line and pulled this reader right in, reading through the wee hours until she was so blurry-eyed, she almost cried putting the book down for a few hours sleep. And the humor in the tale is straight up laugh out loud funny - believe me, my Collies grinned for all they're worth hearing "Mommy" giggling away. Dialogue was believable, natural sounding and authentic to each character. While not typically a fan of reading a character's stream of consciousness thoughts, Melina's inner dialogue was interesting to hilarious, especially when a pesky werelock was listening in and teasing her about it... or even using it as blackmail ammunition against her. Poor Melina was in way over her head! The setting descriptions were spectacular in this reader's opinion, allowing her to easily visualize where she was at and even smell the scents of the areas.
spaceWhile the premise of a mixed heritage, in this case werewolf and warlock, is not totally original, Ivers' writing style gave a truly original feel to it and this reader admits she was enthralled and captivated by the tale and the characters. Usually one to point out any grammar, spelling and or punctuation errors, I was so involved in the story I honestly cannot recall if there was any. The story was also one huge sexy and sensual read, right from the very beginning until the cliffhanger ending. And as a self-proclaimed cliffhanger ending hater, this one was so nicely done with answering several questions while opening up a few new ones and allowing a bigger one to sizzle and simmer, this reader didn't complain, just rushed online to purchase the second book. Do I recommend Ivers? Oh yeah. Now 'scuse me while I get back to my Kindle and start book two, 'cause if I had a hubba hubba meter, this would be off the charts! And they didn't even "do the deed" in this book! ** Review originally posted to Amazon reviews on July 17, 2017 and Goodreads on the same date. **


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