

The Morrigna: Paranormal Mystery

spaceRachel Rawlings book, "The Morrigna: Paranormal Mystery" offers a ton of action that keeps this book moving forward quickly and the reader on the edge of their seat - once you get into it. Protagonist Maurin Kincaide is likeable, the perfect mixture of sarcasm, naivete and whininess to make her a believable and funny character.
spaceProtagonist Maurin Kincaide follows Murphy's Law, or Murphy's Law follows her - either way, Maurin rarely is blessed with good luck so is often stoic about what will happen next. And boy do things happen to her! One might think becoming the vessel for a Goddess might bring all sorts of good things into Maurin's life, at least enough to balance the bad luck that seems to follow her around. Think again. In Maurin's case, being the vessel for Goddess Scota brings all sorts of unhappiness, bad luck, and even more reasons to be considered 'different' in her eyes; on the other hand, being the vessel offers readers a protagonist that is spunky, likeable, believable, and one that is drawn into situations out of her control that scare her - yet she somehow manages to pull herself out of them.
spaceThe plot drew on some very heavy mythology; Rawlings gave information concerning the old Pagan Gods and Goddesses without making it seem like a classroom setting or lesson from an instructor, making it understandable to those new to mythology while keeping it interesting for those that are followers. The setting descriptions were clear and easy to picture, allowing a reader to visualize the world. Rawlings gace the same attention to detail in her character descriptions, making them feel real and recognizable. However, it did take a bit of time for everything to come together, so the reader should practice patience while waiting for answers. This reader found a few grammatical and spelling errors, as well, mainly at the beginning of the book - which almost put this reader off. Almost. This reader is mighty glad she persevered because once the pace picked up it just kept slamming until the end. This was a truly fun read that this reader highly recommends. ** Review originally posted on Amazon reviews on June 30, 2016. **


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