

My Big Fat Demon Slayer Wedding (Biker Witches Mystery Book 5)

spaceThis reader had the delight to read Angie Fox's first biker witch mystery, "The Accidental Demon Slayer" a while ago, and just finished book five of the series, "My Big Fat Demon Slayer Wedding" - it should be mentioned I have not read books two through four, however. The characters are still their rowdy selves, with enough detail given that a reader can easily visualize and empathize with and for them, without going back to previous books. Fox maintains her lively, fun and inviting storytelling voice in this book, the same voice that captivated this reader back on book one. Note to self, I really need to purchase the missing books for some laugh out loud entertainment.
spaceThe mystery was excellent, even though this reader had it partially figured out early on. Why? Because the path to the solution was so darn fun to follow! The setting was absolutely spectacular and this reader struggled to figure out if she wanted to live there, or was creeped out by the darkness of the place... and will admit she shuddered at each mention of spiders. The wedding dress gift given by the griffins to protagonist Lizzie had this reader rolling as she pictured not only Lizzie wearing the gown, but the look on snooty adoptive mom Hillary's face as she looked on. Griffin shifter and romantic lead Dimitri was adorable running from the estrogen packed rooms, even though he is still a strong, masculine, sexy - drool-worthy - protective male. Who can blame him, with so many females creating wedding favors? And each character was unique as their authenticity shined through in their believable dialogue, as well.
spaceThis was an action packed, thrilling ride that kept this reader in stitches, waiting for the next disaster to fall. I recall I had a favorite character in book one - Grandma Gertie - but was hard pressed to say I had a favorite in this book. They were all terrific, all lovable in their own way, and each played well off of one another. This reader was so wrapped up in the storyline and descriptions, she cannot recall if there were any grammar, punctuation or spelling issues in the tale, and truly hated to leave the world Fox created. I highly recommend this book for a very fun and entertaining read. ** Review originally posted to Amazon reviews on June 26, 2017 and Goodreads on the same date. **


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