

Cade: New Orleans Billionaire Wolf Shifters with plus sized BBW mates (Le Beau Series Book 1)

spaceThis reader had the most absolutely delightful time reading V.A. Dold's book, "Cade: New Orleans Billionaire Wolf Shifters with plus sized BBW mates (Le Beau Series Book 1)" which is the first book of a series already available. Characters are described well enough to easily visualize and empathize with as well as being able to witness them go through various stages of growth. Protagonist Anna starts as a woman with no self-confidence and very low self-esteem and it was marvelous witnessing her begin to come into her own before her love interest, male-shifter Cade, officially meets her in person - and then we see her absolutely blossom. Added to Anna's scrumptious details is the fact this lady is in her mid-forties with college age children from a previous marriage... yowsa! Cade, an extremely drool-worthy male, (and is well over two hundred years old when he meets his lady-love) already has his own confidence, but it waivers in such a sweet, vulnerable way as he tries to not only win Anna's heart, but prove to her she is an exceptional woman. These two characters truly compliment one another! The majority of the secondary characters introduced were given enough detail of traits to visualize and really look forward to reading their own stories later. Antagonist Tim, Anna's ex-louse, actually reminded this reader of her own ex way too much and earned her instant disdain, by the way.
spaceDialogue, for the most part, flowed nicely and helped move the plot along. Characters each had their own authentic voice, although once Anna and Cade mated they seemed to sound similar, to this reader's mind. That could very well have been intentional, showing another way as to how their bond strengthened and in a sense, combined the pair. Settings were lusciously described in rich detail; this reader easily envisioned strolling around in New Orleans - a place she has never had the fortune to visit thus far, yet now feels as if she has. Dold has a lovely story-telling voice that truly makes a reader feel invited in and visit for as long as they want. Add to that, there were very few grammar, spelling or punctuation errors, showing Dold loves her work enough to care for it after she has put it to page. Dold kept up a fairly decent pace with just enough lulls to allow a reader to relax, then wham! Something new comes along to start hearts a-racing. As a side note, this reader read some older reviews stating there was no plot to the tale, and I beg to differ. The plot was one of the oldest in the 'books of plots': boy meets girl; boy woo's girl; girl denies and/or struggles with feelings for boy; boy gets girl. For those complaining, they might want to consider there actually are no truly new and unique plots - only ways to tell them.
spaceDold's story far exceeded this readers expectations - epecially after the last few books written by others, that she's read - and she happily recommends this book. Was it perfect? No. But it was an enjoyable read with few flaws. It was sensual, thrilling, a tad dramatic, and offered some action in the mix, as well. While this tale had a happily ever after ending, it also set up the second book in the series, without a cliffhanger, in an interesting and satisfactory way. Again, this reader does recommend this book for a fun read and plans to purchase the next in the series. ** Review originally posted to Amazon reviews on June 21, 2017 and on Goodreads on the same date. **


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