

Healer's Magic

spaceThis reader accepted a free copy of "Healer's Magic" from author Teagan Kearney, in exchange for an honest review. The book is written with a steady, slow feel of 'something' is coming; when a past life is introduced fairly early on, it brought on confusion for this reader, wondering if Kearney had somehow mixed up her characters and storyline.... Protagonist Tatya begins to remember some odd dreams and is quite confused by them; that is when this reader thought, "Brilliant! We're experiencing the character's confusion right along side of her." This ploy allowed this reader to feel an even stronger empathy with Tatya and want to be with her as she figured out these puzzling dreams. Were they somehow prophetic, in nature?
spaceThere were a few minor grammar, spelling and punctuation issues found, most in the form of an extra word added or missing in the narrative. The misuse of the word 'passed' when 'past' was the intent, was a minor irritation for this reader. However, the story was impelling enough that these issues did not overly detract this reader from the tale. Kearney wrote delightfully detailed settings that were easily visualized by this reader, giving her the feel that she was trailing alongside of Tatya throughout her journey. Character's were detailed enough to visualize, and their dialogue was natural sounding and believable. This reader felt an almost immediate affinity to the character Vanse, and was really hoping he would win his love back - time will tell, on that issue. Minor characters were detailed enough to get a good image of them, while not expecting to see character growth in them as we would the major characters.
space"Healer's Magic" is the first of a series and an intriguing beginning to the world Kearney created. The romance is fairly subtle, yet oddly 'hot' at the same time, and no cursing that this reader recalls, so is suitable for the young adult crowd on up. This reader loves discovering 'new-to-me' writer's to add to her bookshelves, and found that in Kearney. I'm certain I shall continue on with this series and do recommend the book. ** Review originally posted to Amazon reviews on May 21, 2017 and Goodreads on the same date. **


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