

The Feral Sentence II

spaceG.C. Julien's "The Feral Sentence II" was just as riveting a read as the first novella had been. The story picks up at the cliffhanger from book one and the action and protagonist Brone's confusion keeps the reader moving forward at a quick pace. Once again, Julien delivers easily visualized settings, very believable and authentic-sounding dialogue, and characters that seem realistic with all of their flaws, good points, quirks and emotions.
spaceThis well-edited novella has few, if any, spelling, grammar and or punctuation errors; this also contributes to how quickly the story flows. The brain is not confused by meanings or intent, simply gobbling up the words and sentences while processing the terror in Brone and stoic pragmatism of the majority of the villagers. Protagonist Brone is now forced by the hostile environment to change, or die as the somewhat selfish princess she once was. Cliff hanger number two... will Brone start to believe in herself and begin to toughen up?
spaceThis reader normally prefers full books or novellas, full as in complete beginnings, middles, and ending to the storyline. She went into these novellas with her eyes open, fully aware of no full answers with the endings of books one through three, only the promise of an interesting story and characters, and of course, cliff hanger endings. This reader does recommend author Julien and is now prepared to dive into novella three! Just an extra note, the length of time listed on Goodreads that it took this reader to finish Julien's second novella should not reflect on Julien's story telling skills or the story itself. Simply, life reared an ugly head, keeping this reader away from Kormace Island. ** Review originally posted to Amazon reviews on April 20, 2017, and Goodreads on the same date. **


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