

Reaper's Claim

spaceThis reader recieved an advanced reader's copy in exchange for an honest review, and unlike most of the other reviewers, this reader cannot call "Reaper's Claim" an enjoyable read. It was understood there might be some spelling errors that would be fixed before release, so this reader will not point those out. However, the multitude of tense, grammar and punctuation errors drove this reader batty. Fragmented sentences can be a strong tool for a writer, alerting the brain that something big is about to happen. Unless it is over used and found multiple times in every single paragraph. The same goes for the repetitive use of words, which once again tell a reader's brain, pay attention cause something important is happening here. Once again, when used over and over again, the brain stops paying attention and begins to distrust the words it is processing. Notice the reptitive use of "once again" in the previous two sentences? A writer might consider breaking that up to something like: "The same goes for the repetitive use of words, which signals a reader's brain, pay attention cause something important is happening here. Once more, when used repeatedly, the brain stops paying attention and begins to distrust the words it is processing." This reader repeated herself yet used different words to say the same thing, which appears "fresher" while making the exact same point and calling the brain's attention to the possible importance of it.
spaceThe above point happens to coincide with the over use of unnecessary cursing in the book. This reader is no prude and knows the powerful impact of well placed words. However, the writer tends to have various people say a curse word to tell a reader how they are feeling, versus using body language or the setting to show the reader whatever the writer wishes the reader to know. For instance, instead of the continual use of the same swear word, why not have the person clenching and unclenching their fists - alludes to anger; an uncontrollable tick in the eye can allude to anger, fear, surprise or annoyance; lips pressed into a thin line as a loud silence lays heavy can allude to anger, etc. This reader happens to view gratuitious curse words to imply emotions to be a lazy form of writing, versus describing the setting, body language and/or what a reader's senses would normally pick up if they were a fly on the shoulder of the one in the scene. The lack of sensory details along with the continual many points of view switches, make this book too long and a tedious read.
spaceThe continual point of view changes could have been a powerful tool to tell Abby and Reaper's story, yet tossing in the thought stream of minor characters like Trigger, Amber and Vivien - just to name a few - was pointless and did not advance the plot. They simply added more words to the overall word count of the book and created a greater probability of continuity error. For instance, earlier in the book, twin sister Kim was crushing on Trent, a medical student; by chapter 30, Trent's name had been changed to Brent, which greatly added to the confusion of exactly what was suppose to be happening in this very long soap opera of a tale. While this reader's review might seem harsh to some, it is actually offered as a critique from one peer to another in the hopes of bouncing ideas from one to another and perhaps even picking up a new trick or two. However, this reader cannot give a recommendation for this book, as it stands. ** Review originally posted to Amazon Reviews on February 14, 2017. **


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