

Frost Burn

spaceFrost Burn, by Erica Stevens is the first book in her Fire and Ice Series and is a stand-alone story. In other words, no cliffhanger ending, all major questions answered and a nice set-up for future returning characters. Author Stevens - her pen name - offers an action packed paranormal romance that includes touches of mystery in this tale. The romance between female protagonist Quinn and male Julian (he calls her Dewdrop) can be steamy at times, while never being fully explicit so it definitely falls under the "sweet" category of romance, in this readers view. The book was a lot of fun to read!
spaceStevens offered an interesting world featuring vampires, hunters, guardians and more, complete with enough history to capture and engage a reader. Settings were descriptive enough to be easily visualized by this reader, as well as character descriptions. This reader found vampire Julian drool-worthy! Julian describes himself as "an a**hole 99 percent of the time" and does offer a lot of sarcastic, dry and sometimes crude one-liner's throughout the story, and this reader confesses he had her rolling with laughter quite often. What ultimately made him endearing is that he presented himself as unworthy but working towards bettering himself while being unapologetic about his past, all while being vulnerable to how Quinn viewed him. An unrepentent bad boy that hoped the woman of his dreams might consider bestowing her heart to him. Quinn was nicely presented also; she was a strong female lead that was still a bit innocent even after the evils experienced in her life.
spaceThis story was fairly free of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors and this reader is always appreciative of a well edited tale that is also creative, interesting and fun to read. This reader definitely will recommend Erica Stevens and look for her future work, as well. ** Shorter review originally posted to Goodreads on January 17, 2017 and full review to Amazon Reviews on January 17, 2017. **


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